Perspectives for the 21st Century
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Aging-3 Boomers on a Train

May 19, 2020


Aging-3 Boomers on a Train

3 Boomers get on a Train
Annie, Patty and Me

I flew to LA, January of 2019, to meet up with two friends I’ve known for over 40 years. We first met in Dallas Texas in 1975. You could say we grew up together. Eventually, Patty moved to California, Annie moved to Australia and I moved to Virginia.

It was time for a get together.

Patty showed us a wonderful time. A tour of LA, The Getty and other fantastic places.

We even took a train from Patty’s home in Simi Valley to Santa Barbara for the day. A train! A whistleblowing, honest to goodness train! Very exciting. We boarded a late train back to Simi Valley. As we sat down facing each other ready to kick back, two guys maybe 18 or 19 years old, sat directly across the aisle.

What caught our attention immediately was the sound coming out of one of the boys’ phones. It was Bob Dylan! Wait. What? Bob Dylan?

After listening for awhile we had to ask:

Why Bob Dylan?

Because he is a premier poet and musician, they said.

A very impressive, thought out answer!

We watched him become famous, we responded.

As a result of that statement, the questions began to fly:

Who were the first musical groups you saw? they inquired.

Jimi Hendrix (Patty), ELO (Me), The Rolling Stones with opening act Rod Stewart, who no one knew, in his gold lame skin-tight jumpsuit. (Annie).

What other musicians, groups did you listen to?

Sting, Beatles Doobies, Chicago, Eagles, Eric Clapton, James Taylor and Carol King.

They had listened to them all.

What do the three of you do for a living?

We’re retired.

Wow retired young! (Such nice guys) What’s the secret to doing that?

Patty: I just read that to retire on your own terms at say 55, you’re going to need at least 5 million dollars.

The color faded from their faces but they seemed not to be deterred.

How do we get there?

Patty: Save and diversify your portfolio.

Annie: It’s all about the connections you make. Make good ones.

Me: Work hard, be vigilant, work at what you love. The money will come.

Have the three of you ever tried recreational drugs?

Yes. (It was the 70’s for goodness sakes)

I like marijuana. I sorta like LSD. I’ve done it a few times when I listen to music. I don’t like Cocaine the less talkative one said.

We asked if cocaine and LSD were as prevalent as they used to be given marijuana is legal in California.


Where do you live?

When I said I lived in Virginia, one of them said he was thinking of transferring from UC Santa Barbara to a college in the east. Which colleges in DC would I recommend?

I said Georgetown and American.

Before we knew it an hour and a half had passed. It was time for us to leave.

Hey, we said, who turned you on to Bob Dylan?

My grandfather, the more talkative one responded!!

Of course it was his grandfather!!


Aging-3 Boomers on a Train

We were disappointed that our part of the journey had come to an end, however, when we got off the train Annie said she felt like she’d been to confession!!

That being said the ride gave the 3 of us the opportunity to ‘re-live’ some of the best times of our ‘growing up’ together. Sharing wisdom and parts of that experience with those 2 kids, who soaked up every word, made it really special.

According to Wikipedia ‘The meme ‘Ok Boomer’ gained popularity in November of 2019 used to mock attitudes attributed to the baby boomer generation.’ Every generation has a problem with the generations that came before them. And vice versa. Remember when Rock-n-Roll first came on the scene?

I’m sure Boomers did a lot of things wrong but I’m pretty sure we did a lot right.

Take that grandfather who turned his grandson on to what the three of us think is the greatest music ever written…Hey, we’re Boomers. And, that grandfather seemed to have raised a child who raised a child to appreciate, respect and value the experiences and advice of those who came before him.

Yep, to sum it up, I’d say we’re okay, Boomers!

Originally posted 2020-04-24 13:21:53.

Ann Ranson
April 24, 2020 at 2:21 pm

What a cool story for all of you! Thanks for sharing. And I agree that boomers are ok!! Guess that’s cause I am one! 😎

Margaret Barry
April 24, 2020 at 7:50 pm

what a great story! Cheers to many more adventures filled with friends and laughter!

April 28, 2020 at 9:35 pm

This is priceless! It’s so true that being a “boomer” is something to be proud of. I feel blessed to have gone through the times of the Vietnam War, the “Hippie Revolution”, Kent State, etc. as a young woman. It taught me resiliency, compassion and love. That is truly a gift.

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