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Aging: What Women Taught Me About Men
Aging: What Women Taught Me About Men
**I wrote this blog based on the experiences I have had. It can be applied to all forms of relationships.
My twin sister Linda and I, along with our sister Susan, were raised by a single Mom. Susan was 5, Linda and I were 3 when our parents separated. There was lots of drama that accompanied that event. It lasted for a long time.
It was the 50’s. Dad was absent, both physically and financially. As a result, even though I was surrounded by aunts and uncles who had wonderful long marriages, I did not receive good messages about men, period. I always went for the guys that were unavailable. They were my Dad!
I’ve been married three times. The first was for 5 minutes (one year), the second was 10 years later (for 12 years) then 13 years later I married Jake. We will be celebrating our 15th anniversary this November.
When the second marriage ended I was devasted. I walked into a therapist’s office and said, “Tell me how to prevent that from ever happening again.” Four years later I graduated.
I learned to observe women when they were with men. I also learned to ask questions of women I trusted.
Aging: What Women Taught Me About Men
Fast forward to the summer of 2019. My car had been hit while parked in front of the house. Jake followed me to an auto body shop. As I was talking to a girl behind the counter, Jake came in and said, “Everything alright Honey? Do you need me?” I said no. He kissed me on my forehead and left to wait in the car. When I turned back around the girl was staring at me. “Wow, that was cool, she said. The men of my generation don’t look up from their phones long enough to know we exist. It’s just the way it is, I guess.” I smiled at her, but, inside I was saying, it doesn’t have to be that way.
Consequently, I could not stop thinking about our conversation. Everything bubbled up in me. No, I said to myself, it really doesn’t have to be that way. I thought long and hard about imposing upon this girl. After all, who was I to tell her what I learned? However, if someone had given me pointers it could have saved me heartache and confusion.
When I returned to the shop for a follow-up visit, I handed the girl an envelope. “These were pointers I received along the way to the relationship I have now. Maybe they can be of use to you too,” I said.
This is what was written inside:
What Women Taught Me About Men
!) Women teach men how to treat them.
2) If a man tells you something about himself believe him:
For example: “You don’t want to get mixed up with me.”
It’s probably true.
3) Try not to be available all the time.
4) Say “yes” and stick to it. Say “no” and stick to it.
5) Ask for what you want with dignity and respect…but ask.
6) If you assume a role:
Example…Doing the laundry for both of you, making all the social plans, cleaning, cooking, paying the bills, etc.
you’ll probably have that role for the rest of your life.
7) Do not give up your friends.
8) Avoid passive aggressive behavior. Say what works and doesn’t work when it happens.
9) Say thank you, give praise, be kind.
10) Make yourself happy. You are the only one who can.
A few weeks later when I returned to retrieve my car I was met by the girl who was seemingly waiting for me. She thanked me more than a few times and said she posted it on her Instagram with over 40 great responses from her friends.
Aging: What Women Taught Me About Men
I could write the name of every woman who taught me, either by example or advice, next to the tips above. They left an enormous impact.
Maybe I made that same impact on a young woman on her journey.
Below is a portion from dated March 16, 2020, entitled: Becoming Our Own Role Models:
If we envision a world where women support each other and help each other find their place in an ever-changing world, then we can become the change we want to see. Jealousy, envy, criticism, and judgment are refuges for the insecure. As we help others to become self-assured, we create a world in which all people help each other, regardless of gender. Only women can make the change in how women are seen and understood, not just by other women but by the world at large. The way we speak about each other to other women and to the men in our lives informs everyone to treat us with the respect that all women, and all people, deserve.
I thank the women who imparted their wisdom to me.
It felt good to pass it on.
A Message to Remind Mom of Her Strengths When She Forgets
A Message to remind Mom of her strengths when she forgets:
As I wrote in my blog dated August 8, 2018: even though my 98-year-old Mom has a wonderful attitude on life every once in a while she’ll cry.
We were curled up on the couch one afternoon on my last visit and there she was through tearful eyes apologizing for forgetting things and needing my help.
As I held her tight, this is what I said:
No one needs to tell me how lucky I am that you are here and thriving at 98 years old.
When you say that Susan, Linda and I are your crowning achievements I think to myself, ‘Really?’ Your strength always shone, holding your head up high as a single Mom in the ’50s when being divorced was a stigma. You received no child support from your ex (my father) and raised your three girls by selling vacuum cleaners strictly on commission at a major department store. Your daughters are/were proud of you for winning all kinds of sales awards. The word reached the two best-known vacuum cleaner companies in the region who sent their salespeople to you for training. That, to me, is an achievement!
You have taught me a lot about love, life and overcoming adversity.
Upon you hearing my voice you tell me your heart beats a little faster.
I always respond ‘no’ when you ask me, “Hey, did I tell you today that I love you?” even though you had, just so I can hear you say it again.
No matter what, I have always felt safe, loved and taken care of and I am eternally grateful.
You have loved me unconditionally. There is nothing you could do or no weakness you could show that would make me love you less.
I will be there for you always. Don’t worry about a thing.
I comfort her by saying all of the above with the hope that it soothed her heart and spirit. Her smile lets me know it had.
Then I said, ‘Ya know Mom, even though I felt safe and taken care of there were times when I wasn’t very happy with you.” “Really…when was that?” she responded with a surprised look on her face.
Here was some of the list I gave her…
- I assumed you would help me make my prom dress for my home economics project because your parents were wonderful tailors. Come to find out you didn’t know how to sew on a button let alone run a sewing machine!
- You said the word ‘penis’ in front of my girlfriends when I was in the 7th grade and even though that was the time we were sent home with booklets describing such things, I wanted to DIE! DIE! DIE! To this day, a friend of mine tells me I still have feelings around that one!
- You found out I cut school and when I asked you how you knew, you said you had a direct line to G-D! That made it really hard to ever do THAT again!!
A Message to remind Mom of her strengths when she forgets:
By the end of our talk, we were ‘rolling on the floor’ with laughter, as we say in our family. Those big ol’ tears evolved into giddy tears of joy.
And then I remembered a saying on Mom’s fridge by author Vivian Greene: “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning how to dance in the rain.”
No worries Mom, along with lots of other things, I hope I’ll never forget that I learned how to dance in the rain from you too.
We all have people in our lives that have taught us how to dance in the rain. Have you let them know how precious they are? Because believe it or not, we all forget sometimes!
Originally posted 2018-08-22 12:18:22.
I’ll Take Relationship Over Bottom Line Any Day
I’ll take relationship over bottom line any day! I wish I could take full credit for the title.
A friend of mine, who was the VP of Human Resources for a Fortune 500 company, expressed this point after I told her the story I’m about to tell you:
Mom’s financial adviser who has handled her accounts for over 35 years called to say that his company (which I won’t name but whose initials are ML) would no longer manage accounts smaller than a certain amount. Mother’s remaining savings are below that level. Unbeknownst to us, he had grandfathered her account 5 years ago. But if Linda and I would contribute to Mother’s portfolio to the tune of $120,000 ML would be glad to keep us as clients. We would have to make other arrangements with a different brokerage house if the answer was no!!! Time limit for getting out, “Three months should be sufficient.”
The Zitron/Bailey girls hit the roof. Unfortunately for ML, they did not know they were dealing with two people who had been in the customer service business (archaic words to be sure) for many years. If we were going down, we were going down swinging!
We first called the ML office in Alexandria to verify the ‘rule’ told to us by Mother’s adviser. Yes, it was the rule but there was an alternative available which no one bothered to explain.
The more we thought about it the angrier we got. The decision was made to discontinue our relationship with ML period.
More Rant:
I called the financial adviser to formally express our displeasure as to how everything went down. His response: “This is the USA and a free enterprise system and a corporation has the right to make any rules they choose to compete.” He’s right. Years of relationship building meant nothing. It was all about their bottom line.
Shortly after that conversation, I received a call from his boss. “Why are you calling me?” I asked. “The limit your financial adviser gave you as to how much money we would manage in a portfolio has doubled since his initial conversation with you. We believe that your Mother would be better served at an institution that is closer to you.” “Do you know where I live?” I said. “Somewhere in Florida, I imagine.” ” I live in Virginia. My financial adviser is located in Dallas Texas. And as quickly as I can, my mother’s adviser will be located in Dallas Texas too.” I hung up on him.
Together Linda and I called ML’s customer relations line and asked to be put through to the President’s office or to his Executive Assistant. We know from our days at AT&T and Lucent Technologies that filing a formal complaint starting at the President’s level was serious business. “Oh yes Mrs. Zitron and Mrs. Bailey,” the customer service rep said, “we take these sort of complaints very, very seriously. You will be contacted within 48 hours by a special representative.” At least that felt good!
What has happened to customer relationships and loyalty? Are we the only generation that expects to be treated with respect and dignity? Please say it isn’t so.
As far as Linda and I are concerned the above scenario smacked of discrimination and a slight form of elder abuse. I’m telling everyone I know about what happened, including Michelle Singletary at
After all was said and done I began to think of the ‘what ifs’.
What If…
My 97 year old Mom had no one to help her navigate this process?
Linda and I were not named on her accounts?
Mother had not named us power of attorney?
I, or Linda, did not have a relationship with another financial institution?
Fortunately my adviser is an independent financial adviser and broker. He makes his own rules. Of course he would take Mom’s account. He helped restore our faith that maybe the bottom line to some businesses is not as important as the relationships they build.
I am asking all of you to please ask your own WHAT IFs…and take any necessary steps that will always keep you and your family empowered over any corporation who is looking strictly at it’s bottom line.
Originally posted 2017-05-04 20:49:47.
10 Steps to Renewal at Any Age
10 Steps to Renewal at any Age
Renewal, what a great word. I wonder if we stop thinking about renewal, OUR OWN, after a certain age? Do you ever think about renewal and refreshing your life?
There is so much talk about meditation as a good way to refresh. And I agree, if I could shut my swirling mind off for awhile! So, I wondered, what renews me?
10 Steps to Renewal at any Age
Here are five of my personal favorites:
- April Fool’s Day. One of my favorite days. It’s right around the corner. Why not think of something to do that will get a giggle out of you and whomever you ‘fool.’ I get Jake every year. He hates bugs so at the right time I scream, “You have a spider crawling on you!” Then I stand back and watch him try to find the spider and get it off him! It’s a riot. Oh boy, I can’t wait! (Don’t tell him!!)
- The Gotcha’ game. Walk up to someone and say, “You have a spot on the front of your shirt.” When they look down to see where it is you take the side of your index finger and gently tap them on the underside of their nose and say, “Gotcha.” Ok, ok….I get it…But when was the last time you played that ‘Gotcha’?
- Play board games. Mexican Train is my favorite at the moment!
- Call someone who loves you. When I’m blue and need a virtual hug, I call my dear friends or family members just to say hello. I usually don’t tell them I’m blue. Just hearing their voices, their happiness because I called, grounds me and I’m all better.
- Be Creative. It can be the simplest thing. I have said before that Mom has the cutest little girl inside her.”Hi Mom,” I said when I called last week. “Whatcha doin’?” “I’m playing dress up in my closet.” Mother has always used her appearance as a form of creativity. It’s one of the fun steps she takes that renews her . In the March 2017 O (Oprah) magazine, (which you can only view on-line if you pay for it-I bought it), is an article, on page 117, called: ‘Does Your Style Match Your Soul.’ It speaks to how clothes reflect who we are.
Mom’s certainly do:
10 Steps to Renewal at any Age
Here are 5 more:
- Do something wonderful just for you. A friend said she always keeps her house and her car in great shape, now it is her turn.
- Play. Like you did when you were a kid. How about Zip lining? To watch one of my buddies run over a bridge and take a flying leap was priceless. It was priceless because she was making the funniest sounds while doing it. And right there her little girl showed up and so did everybody else’s kid!
- Watch a Parade.
Alexandria Virginia has 3 parades a year. Military Bands, clown cars, dogs dressed up, kids, kids and more kids. I laughed and giggled and waved and sang. I searched Google: ‘How to find parades in your area.’ There were 85,700,000 results!!
- Volunteer. Helping others is one of the best feelings in the world. Renewal at it’s finest.
- LOL. Laugh out loud. I mean really out loud. So loud that people will be looking at you wondering what’s so funny!
Please scroll down to Leave A Reply and share the steps you take. I know your reply will be appreciated by others. I will re-post this blog with your responses.
But before you do…you have a spot on the front of your shirt…GOTCHA’!
Originally posted 2017-03-09 21:12:08.