Perspectives for the 21st Century
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Category Archives: Rant

Aging: Compassion for Ourselves and Others

May 19, 2020



Aging: Compassion for ourselves and others…

There comes a time in all of our lives that one begins to realize sh– is going to happen!  If not to you, to those you love or to your friends and those they love. When something happens, and it will, if you can’t do a thing about it, it hurts.  It’s frustrating.  It stinks!

So, as we age, why is it so hard sometimes to have compassion for ourselves or for others? Truth be told, we are all going through this together.

Even if you did not learn compassion in your home or from a role model but have experienced loss or illness seems like it would be easy to understand the plight of others who need understanding, empathy, and compassion just as you did.  Am I wrong?

Compassion for ourselves:

Well, in the first place, maybe it’s because we have such a hard time finding compassion for ourselves.  I wonder where we lost it?  Or, did we ever have it?  I looked up, ‘Is compassion learned’ and in fact it is.  What a revelation!

As you know, I have a great Mom, but I don’t recall if she taught me self-love or compassion for myself.  If she did, I’m thinking my life got in the way and I forgot. I do have a lot of compassion and empathy for others. I KNOW for sure Mom taught me that.  Growing up in a house with 3 other girls (Mom included) raging hormones and one bathroom we learned understanding, boundaries and how to make-up after a knockdown drag-out! HA!!  Whatever the reason, that part is easy.

It’s the compassion for me that’s harder.  Going down that path feels like a guilty pleasure.  How strange is that?  As I get older and little things are happening to Mom and people I love, I’m beginning to realize how much I need that compassion.  A loving friend turned me on to It helps.  So does exercise, meditation and the fabulous women in my life!

Compassion for others:

If you had no role model to show you what compassion looks like and you’re interested, there are plenty of places to find information.  I found a compelling site:



Compassion for ourselves is reaching out to others and telling them what you need.  It is not a weakness.  It’s a strength. Being there for others, a phone call, a note, a cup of coffee, is a gift.

If you’re not interested in learning about having compassion for yourself or others, please don’t expect it in return.

It’s the mood I’m in today!!

Originally posted 2018-09-17 12:50:17.

Aging: On Being Present and Productive

May 19, 2020


Aging: On Being Present and Productive

I was talking to a (younger) friend of mine.  I was telling her what fun it was to binge-watch The Crown ( My (younger) friend said, “Wow Pamela.  That really surprises me.  I have always thought of you as being such a productive person.”  After digesting that statement for a few days, I discovered my definition of productive has changed over the years.  Productive used to mean something closer to what my friend was talking about, a paycheck, a physical goal reached.  Something concrete and instant.  Not anymore.  That was a revelation and I thank her for it. Maybe my (younger) friend’s definition will change as she ages, too.




In the moment, present and productive

Aging: On Being Present and Productive

The last time I visited Mom she asked me to come outside because she had something to show me.  Between maneuvering Mom’s 3-wheeler walker (her ‘Cadillac’ as she calls it) and taking more than a few minutes to get out the door, I couldn’t imagine what she wanted me to see.  As we reached the sidewalk, Mom said, “Look up.  See my beautiful tree. The branches are throwing their shadow on the building.  I was so concerned it was dying, but I was wrong.  It’s green again!” And with that, she became silent.

We stared at the tree for a few minutes not saying a word.  Swirling in my head was TV news and all kinds of social media voices, so it took me a bit to be with her. The voices were quiet.  I loved every minute of it. I was refreshed and thankful. Then it hit me, she’s always in the present moment when I’m with her. And I watch her in other situations too.  I know there are times she is thinking of other things however they are never so big they interrupt a look out the window to watch the birds fly by or a walk outside to watch over her beloved tree.  She’s all in! What a wonderful upside to growing older…being present!

I have recently picked up Eckart Tolle’s  ( book, A New Earth…Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose, for the third time.  Tolle writes that one must ask themselves.” what kind of relationship you want to have with the present moment. The present moment is inseparable from life, so you are really deciding what kind of relationship you want to have with life.”



Aging: On Being Present and Productive

My new definition of being productive: having a friendlier relationship with life by making “the present moment into your friend,” as Tolle says.

What was productive about binge-watching The Crown:

– I was seeing and hearing the show which helped me retain the historical information. I learned a lot.

– The show enabled me to have a substantive conversation with a friend who lived in the UK for much of her life and her boyfriend who is a history buff.

– The Crown is visually stunning.  I admired those who created its’ look.  It was inspiring.

– I was fully and completely present.

What I learned from Mom that day:

– She reminded me through her actions alone how soothing and wonderful being present feels.

– Mother gave me a taste of a forgotten peace.  She inspired me to search it out on a regular basis.

– I can remind others through my actions to grab those soothing and wonderful moments.  Maybe the voices that swirl in their heads can be quieted even for a little while.

Wow, who knew what productive moments of presence you can find just by looking up!

Originally posted 2018-10-23 00:06:07.

Three Reasons to Revive Your Inner Boomer

May 19, 2020


We won’t be stereotyped:  Kudos to Senior Planet: In an on-line article, dated 12/28/2013, they wrote: 12 Things You’ll Regret When You’re Old(er).   Number 8 is ‘Letting yourself be defined by cultural expectations. Like the expectation that we’ll fade into the background as we get older.’ I would like to add the words ‘society’s expectations’ as well.  Whether we marched, burned draft cards, got married, lived in communes, burned bras, or started a job, we had opinions on a variety of subjects and we did express them then and will continue to do so.



We rebel:  In December 2013, I attended a panel discussion at a prestigious PR firm on the subject of marketing to baby boomers.  I thought, “Great, the marketing world is finally getting it.” Hanging around the room were posters depicting gray-haired men and women dressed in subdued conservative clothing. Black, white, Asian, it didn’t matter-everything was gray!  Later, there was a film presentation and with one lone exception, again all gray-hair and subdued colors.  I asked the panelists, “Who created your promotional pieces for today? I’m a 66 year-old woman and not all the boomers I know look alike, nor do they all look like the people you have in your video and posters.” The response from the creative team was that they had gone to their clip art library and that’s all they had.  I know beautiful women and handsome men with gray or white hair, however not all of us are gray, nor are our lives and that’s the rant.  I believe these stereotypes wrongly put us in categories with very strict boundaries.  Let’s not allow a ‘clip art’ world to define who we are. Boomers and boundaries?  I don’t think so!


We are aware:  Here we are finding our voice once again.  The movement is quieter.  We are talking among ourselves, more likely, over a glass of wine than a psychedelic drug.   It’s the women leading the battle this time.  I believe boomer men think the same, but seem happy to let us take the lead on this war.  We still have flower power, it’s just ground up in the latest ‘anti-aging’ products the PR firms are trying to sell us.

I’m not planning on this blog being only about Boomers. I realize reaching any age milestone can be scary.  What all of us can refuse to do is allow age milestones or society’s misguided beliefs make us lose our identity.

That is what I love about my 94 (on Feb.2nd)  year old Mom.  She has a clear definition of who she is and has never allowed other people’s beliefs or societal stereotypes limit her.

Mom baby boomer new age

Mom two weeks ago

These are a few of the words I use to define who I am: Colorful, happy, energetic, involved, athletic, contributor, a blogger.

What are some of the words you would use to define you?  Tell me.

Originally posted 2014-01-22 17:57:36.

I’ll Take Relationship Over Bottom Line Any Day

May 19, 2020


I’ll take relationship over bottom line any day!  I wish I could take full credit for the title.

A friend of mine, who was the VP of Human Resources for a Fortune 500 company, expressed this point after I told her the story I’m about to tell you:

Mom’s financial adviser who has handled her accounts for over 35 years called to say that his company (which I won’t name but whose initials are ML) would no longer manage accounts smaller than a certain amount.  Mother’s remaining savings are below that level. Unbeknownst to us, he had grandfathered her account 5 years ago.  But if Linda and I would contribute to Mother’s portfolio to the tune of $120,000 ML would be glad to keep us as clients.  We would have to make other arrangements with a different brokerage house if the answer was no!!!  Time limit for getting out, “Three months should be sufficient.”

The Zitron/Bailey girls hit the roof.  Unfortunately for ML, they did not know they were dealing with two people who had been in the customer service business (archaic words to be sure) for many years. If we were going down, we were going down swinging!

We first called the ML office in Alexandria to verify the ‘rule’ told to us by Mother’s adviser.  Yes, it was the rule but there was an alternative available which no one bothered to explain.

The more we thought about it the angrier we got.  The decision was made to discontinue our relationship with ML period.

More Rant:

I called the financial adviser to formally express our displeasure as to how everything went down.  His response: “This is the USA and a free enterprise system and a corporation has the right to make any rules they choose to compete.”  He’s right.  Years of relationship building meant nothing. It was all about their bottom line.

Shortly after that conversation, I received a call from his boss. “Why are you calling me?” I asked.  “The limit your financial adviser gave you as to how much money we would manage in a portfolio has doubled since his initial conversation with you.  We believe that your Mother would be better served at an institution that is closer to you.”  “Do you know where I live?” I said.   “Somewhere in Florida, I imagine.” ” I live in Virginia. My financial adviser is located in Dallas Texas. And as quickly as I can, my mother’s adviser will be located in Dallas Texas too.” I hung up on him.

Together Linda and I called ML’s customer relations line and asked to be put through to the President’s office or to his Executive Assistant.  We know from our days at AT&T and Lucent Technologies that filing a formal complaint starting at the President’s level was serious business.  “Oh yes Mrs. Zitron and Mrs. Bailey,” the customer service rep said, “we take these sort of complaints very, very seriously.  You will be contacted within 48 hours by a special representative.”  At least that felt good!




What has happened to customer relationships and loyalty?  Are we the only generation that expects to be treated with respect and dignity?  Please say it isn’t so.

As far as Linda and I are concerned the above scenario smacked of discrimination and a slight form of elder abuse. I’m telling everyone I know about what happened, including Michelle Singletary at

After all was said and done I began to think of the ‘what ifs’.

What If…

My 97 year old Mom had no one to help her navigate this process?

Linda and I were not named on her accounts?

Mother had not named us power of attorney?

I, or Linda, did not have a relationship with another financial institution?

Fortunately my adviser is an independent financial adviser and broker.  He makes his own rules.  Of course he would take Mom’s account. He helped restore our faith that maybe the bottom line to some businesses is not as important as the relationships they build.

I am asking all of you to please ask your own WHAT IFs…and take any necessary steps that will always keep you and your family empowered over any corporation who is looking strictly at it’s bottom line.


Originally posted 2017-05-04 20:49:47.