Perspectives for the 21st Century
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5 Myths About Aging Debunked

May 19, 2020


Myth number one debunked:  Your age doesn’t have to dictate your style!

Case in point:  Some of Mom’s shoes and one of her tops:

Debunking myths about aging

Age should never dictate your dress!

Myths debunked on what a 95 year old woman wears

Mom’s new top










“Hi Ma, whatcha doin?”  “I’m playing in my closet” she says.  And I think to myself, “I wonder how many 95 year old women ‘play’ in their closet?” She is trying on clothes to either have lunch with a friend, go to the hair salon or the grocery store!  Mom’s philosophy about her style is to buy clothes that appeal to her.  She doesn’t think whether clothes are ‘age appropriate’.  She thinks about how they look on her, period.  She buys timeless pieces because eventually “they come back in style.” Every once in awhile, she’ll catalog shop and buy a new outfit to ‘update’ her wardrobe. Her clothes are bright and happy.  When I am with her, there isn’t a day that goes by that someone doesn’t compliment her on how she looks.  I think they are surprised to see what they perceive as an ‘older’ woman, dressing with style and panache and they like it!  BOOM!  Debunked!

Myth number two debunked:  Desire may change but the need for connection and touch never does!

Connection at any age is important

Mom and Bern sitting close

I read an article in the Washington Post Magazine recently, about flibanserin, the ‘female viagra’.  The FDA has approved flibanserin for pre-menopausal women. Frankly I was steamed!  What about the POST-M women?  There must not be anyone at the FDA who is over the age of 55!!  Then, I remember an incident with Mom about 5 years ago: There was an article sitting on her counter titled something like, ‘Teach a man to kiss the way you want to be kissed!’  “So Mom, what’s with this article?”, I say.  “Oh honey, how do you think Bern (her boyfriend) would feel if I gave him this to read?  He’s just a little off in that department.” BOOM!  Debunked!

Myth number three debunked:  You are never too old to find true love!

You're never too old to find the love of your life

You’re never too old to find the love of your life

I received a call at the beginning of September from my dear friend Beverly, who has been single since before we met, which was in the early ’90’s.  She told me she had found the love of her life who asked her to marry him and could they get married in my home?  “WOW! of course!” I screamed!!   Beverly has lived in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico for more than 20 years. She is the owner of a very successful business called,  She wrote these remarks for my last blog : “I feel so fortunate to have had all of the experiences that I have had as a single person to understand the importance of  being myself, loving fully, being happy being single and being present in every moment. The experiences that I had and the lessons I have learned have given me the wisdom and insight in order to love with abandon and yet maintain my own self. It’s truly a gift.”  Michael is 75.  Beverly is 68. To add to myth number three debunked: Mom and Bern met when they were both 84.

BOOM!  Debunked!

Myth number four debunked:  Just because you’re a grown up doesn’t mean you have to act that way!

Myth number four debunked

Mom goofing!

Myths about aging debunked

We thought she went into the store for that hat!











Mom laughs and plays all the time.  She reminds me to play and laugh and goof.  It’s good for the soul!

BOOM! Debunked!


Myth number five debunked:  You can have an eclectic, interesting, diverse set of friends at any age. Mother cultivates relationships with people of all ages.  She calls to check on them and they call her.  They share meals, go to the movies and attend each others’ parties.  BOOM! Debunked!


Debunking aging myths

Mom’s 95th. These people were in their late 90’s

Aging myths debunked

Mom’s 95th. These folks were in their 60’s and 70’s












Do not allow yourself to be defined by books, magazines, society, other people or the media when it comes to growing up.  Let’s show them that this aging process is so much more than we have been led to believe.  BOOM!

Let me know what you think.  And, please share my blog with your friends.

Originally posted 2015-10-21 20:33:24.

If I Knew Then What I Know Now…Part Two

May 19, 2020


My last post: reflected on the ‘Aha’ moments I had attending my 50th year high school reunion the beginning of August this year.  You know how it is when you have your own ‘Aha’ moments.  Signs appear everywhere telling you that those moments of clarity can be incorporated into your life as lessons learned.

I am beginning to hear from women in their early to late 30’s who are wanting their moments of clarity when it comes to aging well. Delphine wrote on my About page on August 27th: “I’m happy to have found your blog. I believe that aging well is something that you can learn to do – and I want to learn how! Thank you for creating this positive space!”

I emailed a woman who approached me after a speech I gave, and asked her if there were any specific subjects I could write on that would appeal to her and her age group?  This was her response, “I think women my age need to focus on keeping it real, not beating ourselves up.  We take on a lot and always do for others.  We need to have fun and embrace aging.  I like the European style of not focusing on being perfect…I am a big fan of aging gracefully.”



That got me to thinking, if I and other women had the opportunity to talk to our 30-something year old selves, and say…hmmm, if I knew then what I know now…what would we say?

Linda B. age 68, writes:

“Stop wasting all that time worrying.

Be true to yourself.

Stop working so hard to the detriment of your family.

In marriage-You do not have to  be right all the time.  Let it go!

In work-Don’t ever let them see you cry!  I was smarter than the men I worked with back then  but didn’t realize it.

Every dog has their day.  Be patient.”

Margaret B. age 51, writes:

“Surround yourself with kind and genuine people-they come in all shapes, sizes and income categories.

Don’t follow the glitter and the glitz all the time.  In the end it usually loses its’ sparkle.

Don’t waste your time on men that don’t love you more then you love them.

It is OK  to be single, no matter what the magazines, your friends (not if they are genuine) or co-workers say.

Don’t live beyond your means but make sure to treat yourself in big or small ways.  You work hard & you deserve it. Whether it is a trip (near or far), a new pair of shoes, a pedicure or a glass of your favorite wine and a good book-embrace and enjoy!”

Brenda age 65, writes:

“Dear Me at 35: You are so worthy of being cherished, loved and respected. Tell yourself this everyday and believe it to be true.  Only be in relationships, including the one with yourself that believe this about you and treat you this way.”

Anonymous age 73, writes:

“I wish I had known, at 35, in my gut, that I was beautiful.  By that I mean, I wish I had risked taking pride in my looks, feeling foxy, flirty, admiring my own body, my smile, my curls, been willing to invite attention to myself, relishing attention when it came my way.  I was raised to be modest and self-deprecating, and I got that all too right!

I wish I had, by 35, richer experiences of my own sexuality, my own pleasures.  I had borne 2 children and been married twice by 35!  Only later did I welcome full sexual pleasures of my own, with a partner and without.

I can’t turn these 2 wishes around and say I’m glad I didn’t know these things at 35.  I wish I had.  I like to think my soul would have been stronger, and I could have protected myself better from hurtful people, but of course I can never know.  However, I’m very glad I know them now, at 73.”

Ann R. age 63, writes:

“On parenting – even though at 35 I was not yet a parent, I became one at 38.  I would tell Mother Ann to let go of the idea of being a perfect parent. That if the best I could do was to love unconditionally my son, then I would be giving him the greatest gift and example for how to live. I just now realized the power of the gift of love.”

Susan B. age 68, writes:

“I don’t think my thoughts are the norm. After losing my Mom so suddenly, at a young age, I was very  focused on appreciating each day and not taking the blessings in my life for granted. Bad things happen to good people all the time. Maybe I would have told myself not to worry so much.”

 Beverly N. Ph.D age 68, writes:

Late in life relationships:
Having been single for the majority of my life, I am blessed to be in a new relationship at this time of my life (I’m 68 and he’s 75).  I feel so fortunate to have had all of the experiences that I have had as a single person to understand the importance of “being myself”, “loving fully”, “being happy being single” and “being present in every moment”.   The experiences that I had and the lessons I have learned have given me the wisdom and insight in order to love with abandon and yet maintain my own “self”.  It’s truly a gift.
Ann O. age 62, writes:
Don’t doubt your feelings.  They are real, yours and valid.  Speak them out when you want and must.

Do no harm.  But take no crap.

You teach people how to treat you.

Keep those shoulders back and show those breasts!  Be proud!!!  (from my Girl Scout Leader, Mrs. Ludden).

Be authentic in your relationships.

Take care of yourself — no one else can do a better job.

Don’t settle.

Figure out what you want; then figure out how to get it.

Sleep cures a plethora of things; hunger, depression, fatigue, confusion, sadness, loneliness…

You can’t be unhappy after going to the park, taking a walk, or riding a bike.

When you want something, sleep on it.  If in two to three days you still want it GO GET IT!!!!

Go slowly in a relationship because if it’s solid, it will last and doesn’t have to be hurried.  You have the rest of your life to watch it unfold.

Get your priorities right:  your God, yourself, your closest relationships and family, your friends, your home/nature/outdoors, play, charity/give back, work if you’re lucky enough to have a job.

Pamela Z. age 68, writes:

If you feel the need to compete, compete only with yourself.  Competing with women will only make you feel bad about yourself.

You don’t need to know everything. And, you won’t. You’ll be in learning mode your entire life.  Be open to it. Listen to it.  Embrace those ‘Aha’ moments.

Everything changes.

Cultivate girlfriends you honor and trust and make sure to keep them in your life, for the rest of your life!

Know you are lovable and worthy of being loved at any age. As Salma Hayek says:’I wish I could have told my younger self…”You are going to end up with the best guy in the world.” ‘

Mom and boyfriend Bern in 2008 when they were both 89 yrs old. They met in 2002.

Mom and boyfriend Bern in 2008 when they were both 89 yrs old. They met in 2002.



Having bad posture makes you look older than you are. Shoulders back, head up, starting now.

Seek out women whom you admire that are older than you. You will be surprised how many are already in your life.  Watch them. Emulate them. They will teach you the art of aging well!

Originally posted 2015-09-14 19:10:49.

If I Knew Then What I Know Now…Part One

May 19, 2020


Until a few weeks ago, it had been quite a while since I thought,  “Boy, if I knew then what I know now!” It happened at my 50th year high school reunion the beginning of August.  Reunions can be benchmarks of growth in one’s life. Wouldn’t you agree? If you have gone to a reunion of any sort, haven’t you walked away thinking, ‘Wow, I never would have thought that about that person/circumstance/situation.’ I am very proud of how far I’ve come.  And maybe, just maybe, if I share some of my insights after leaving my reunion I can make a difference in some one else’s life.

What I wish I did not do:

-Smoke!  Geez, what was I thinking.  It definitely impacted my skin.  And, who knows what it did to my insides.

-Be totally focused on the popular kids: trying to act, dress and talk like them.  And even after all that, I never felt accepted nor did I find my own identity.

-Boys, boys, boys.  Need I say more?

-Let the stigma of growing up in a single parent environment in the 50’s and early 60’s, run a lot of my life.

-Put my education way down the list of priorities and importance.

-Make assumptions about people based strictly on appearance.

-Ignore a compliment.

-Complain profusely about having to work at age 16 every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.



What I’m glad I did do:


-Listened to mom when she told me to moisturize every time I washed my face.

If I Knew Then What I Know Now...Part One

My 95 year old Mom still practices what she preaches!


-Walked or rode my bike everywhere, swam at the local pool and skated on an iced parking lot all winter long.  Exercise. It’s second nature to me now.

-The boy who broke my heart in high school told me he peaked at 17 and has yet to find himself!! I’m glad we never married!!

-Started work at 16.  It taught me a work ethic that has served me well, throughout my entire professional life.

-Realized that if my Dad was in the picture, I never would have the wonderful, intimate relationship I have with my mom for a variety of reasons.

-Learned I never fit in with (who I thought) the popular kids were because I did not accept myself. It had nothing to do with them.  I went on my own personal journey.  That journey has taught me, don’t judge a book by it’s cover!

-Be thankful that even though education did not feel like a priority especially in high school, I received a wonderful education that has inspired me to be a life-long student.

-Learned to accept a compliment.



When I hear myself saying, “If I knew then what I know now”, I seem to follow it with, “Well, you didn’t so what difference does it make?” I realize life is a process, and if I knew EVERYTHING at 14 years old what would be the point of it all!!  Life is an adventure and if one chooses to be open to it, a constant source of “AHA!” moments that are woven together to create a unique tapestry called YOU!

STAYED TUNED FOR: IF I KNEW THEN WHAT I KNOW NOW…PART TWO  I have asked some exquisite women to write what they would say to their 35-ish selves today. I can’t wait!!!

Originally posted 2015-08-30 18:04:48.

Take Care of Yourself. The Ultimate Gift.

May 19, 2020


“Parents do expect their children will take care of them when they get older. Pamela.  The truth is many children don’t.”  That is what a social worker friend said to me in 1988 when I talked to her about my plan. I was living in Dallas, did not have children and wasn’t going to. My plan was to gather others who did not have children, form a group, get to know one another so we could rely on each other as we aged.  The above response from my friend floored me.  I said, “Huh? That can’t be right.  Who doesn’t take care of their parents?” “More people than you can imagine,” was her response.

I have seen firsthand how children respond to parents who expect to be taken care of by them.  It’s not pretty.  In this particular case, the mother had taken care of her mother and assumed the daughter would do the same for her.  The mother let her independence go when her husband passed away.  That included giving up driving before she needed to give it up.  As a friend of mine said, “It goes to show how out of touch the mother is with today’s world.”  I agree with my friend’s observation.  The daughter, who is in her early 70’s, has a husband, daughters and grandchildren.  She has a life of her own.  I know how much I dig in my heels when someone ‘expects’ that I respond a certain way! I REBEL.  That’s exactly what the daughter did.  How would you feel?



When I explained the above situation to my 95-year-old mother she said, “I was just as shocked when I moved to Florida and got a first hand look at friends whose children were not involved in their lives.  I personally can not imagine you and Linda not being in my life, however, parents should never expect to be taken care of by their kids.” Every time Mom has let my sister and me know that she has gone to the gym, paid all her bills, hired a handyman to fix things, made friends with folks who ultimately call her to make sure she is doing well, de-cluttered her home, updated her will, paid for her funeral arrangements (it’s reality folks), used her long-term health care policy to hire an aide for 6 hours a day…and the list goes on,  we are relieved.  And a voice inside of me says, “Thank you Mom.  Now, what can I do for you?”



What I learned from that conversation in 1988 is whether you have children or not, taking care of yourself to the best of your ability is the ultimate gift!  Do whatever it takes to keep, or get, your own house in order.  There are many websites dedicated to physical, mental and spiritual health, finances, insurance and more. Study them.  Use them.

Listed below are a few of my favorites: Where Grown-ups Keep Growing Aging with Attitude Information about getting fit, losing weight and living healthier lives Information on estate planning-living wills-trusts-inheritance Leave a legacy of love Daily Inspiration Learn to meditate and yoga transformation Integrative Wellness Center and B&B


The ultimate gift is that by taking care of yourself now, you and all those who are close to you can breathe a sigh of relief and live long and unencumbered lives.


Originally posted 2015-07-27 02:01:31.